Our Week in Pictures
The kids learned a lot about the polar regions during the past two weeks. We learned how polar animals stay warm in the freezing temperatures, found the North and South poles on a map and a globe, and read many stories to help these concepts come alive.
We made igloos. It was a very messy project and tons of fun!
We learned that polar bears have black skin and white water proof fur. First the kids painted their polar bear black with tinted glue. Then they used cotton balls for the fur. They really enjoyed this project.
We used snow dough to make prints of polar animals. It was a favorite activity.
More fun with our snow dough!
We also learned that polar animals have a thick layer of blubber under their skin that keeps them warm. To illustrate how the blubber insulates, we tried out a "Blubber Bag Experiment". For this science experiment, the kids took turns placing their bare hand into the ice water. Ten they placed the other hand in the blubber bag (filled with lard and then covered with another plastic bag to keep hands clean). The kids could tell right away how well blubber keeps polar animals warm!
Look at that beautiful tower Yadi built using the MagnaTiles.
Check out our new nap room!
Have a great Weekend!