Friday, April 9, 2010

April 5-9

Our Week in Pictures!
A love for books starts early.
We learned all about Boats!
Working on a boat craft.
These are our laundry basket boats.
We sorted teddy bears by size and color this week.
Look at our huge piles.
We love to sort.
Water Table Fun!
Look what floats and sinks!
Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Katie,
    If you give me your email address I can send you som information on the ECCERS, which would be better for your program. I have to go through the process for my State, it gives you stars for points you earn. The Star program gives parents information on the quality of my program. It also can give you an idea of what a preschool program "should" conform to. If you'd like to email me... I can give you more info and how it is used.
    By the way, love your blog!!! Your website is awesome too!!! Thanks for stopping by!!
