Friday, August 13, 2010

A Few School Improvements

We have been busy at work during our "vacation" taking care of some improvements. I thought I would share a few highlights with you...

We lined the play area with railroad ties. The kids LOVE balancing on them as they walk the perimeter.

Next, the dump truck arrived with the surfacing (washed Pea gravel a.k.a. rounded rocks)

I know that rocks do not sound like a very good surfacing for a playground, but they are designed to provide a "cushion" if a child were to fall. The depth is 1 inch for every foot high the children will stand on. So our depth is 4 inches. The other alternatives approved by licensing were wood chips which deteriorate and can cause splinters or sand which can become a huge litter box for neighborhood cats.
So washed pea gravel it is!

Spreading 11 tons of rock is not a fun job!!

But here is the finished product...a safer play area for your child!
Our classroom area has expanded to make room for more playing and learning. Here is a picture of our new circle time area. The kids are loving all the extra space and our brand new rug that has room for everyone!

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