Thursday, January 27, 2011

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

We had a great time with our Martin Luther King Jr. Day Activities!
We read the book "Martin's Big Words" to introduce the children to Martin Luther King Jr.
We talked about how his dream was that every person would be equal and try to make good choices to make the world a better place. The kids shared how they could help make our school a better place.
To help your preschoolers understand Dr. King's message of equality, I purchased a dozen white eggs and a dozen brown eggs. We discussed the differences in the eggs (size, color). I asked the children if the eggs would be the same on the inside. There were mixed reviews, but most thought the brown eggs would be brown inside. Each child got to crack 1 of each color egg (which was fun all by itself!). Then we learned that eggs (and people) may look different on the outside, but we are all the same on the inside.

We had a great day and learned and important lesson. It is silly to judge eggs AND PEOPLE by what they look like on the outside.
An important lesson for all of us!

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