Friday, August 19, 2011

All About Me!

We started off our first week of school on a great foot! We were busy, busy, busy and the kids seemed to be very pleased with all they were learning. We focused on the theme "All About Me" with some fun
books and activities.
Here we are practicing our "Mystery Letter of the Day" with playdough, chalk, magnets, and wood pieces from the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum.
Reflection of "Me" Mirror Paintings
These were a lot of fun! I was so impressed with their self portraits.
Here we are...All 9 of us!
Phoebe shared her Rock/Mineral collection during Show-and-Tell this week. The kids thought it was really cool! They took turns pointing out different colors and textures on the poster.
We used Color Tiles this week during our math lessons.
The Pre-K kids counted and matched the tiles to their worksheet and then colored the squares to match.
The preschoolers practiced sorting the tiles by color.
We got some fresh sand in the sand box this week. The dirt the kids were digging in this summer is so dry it is almost pure dust and is extremely messy and sticks like glue to sweaty playful children! So I told them they must dig in the sandbox and not mix in the dirt. They seem to be happy with this arrangement. It has been very popular during outside playtime.
Alphabet Magnet Matching and Alphabet puzzle
Have a wonderful weekend!

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