Sunday, September 18, 2011


This week we learned about things that go… planes, trains, and automobiles! We made a graph of vehicles we see, made tire track art, and participated in a science experiment with racing cars!
He raced cars down different inclines.
The children learned that the steeper the incline, the faster the cars will go!
We painted car tracks on paper. The kids loved this activity!
For our math concept, the Pre-K girls worked on building shapes with unifix cubes and counting the amount to record on their papers.
The preschoolers explored unifix cubes as well. They enjoyed making loooooong sticks so they could try and reach the ceiling.
We had our 20th Day of School! Zero the Hero left us another special treat!
We also counted to 20 by 5's and glued 20 cheerios to our activity sheet!
We LOVE Zero the Hero Day!
Learning through Play...
Have a Great Weekend!

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